Thursday 30 April 2015


Bansky is an extremely well known English graffiti artist, political activists, film director painter. one of the reasons Banksy has become notorious is because his identity has not been proven, however he is believed to be a man named robin gunningham, a former public school boy at Bristol cathedral choir school.

when Banksy does his work he does his satirical street  art and subversive epigrams combine dark humour with graffiti done in a distinctive stenciling technique. his works of political and social commentary have been featured on streets, walls and bridges throughout the world. banksy always displys his work in places which are very visible such as walls or physical self-made prop objects. he also does not sell any photographs or reproductions of his works. howeve art auctioneers have known to try to attempt to sell his work and leave the problem of removal of the art work to the winning bidder.

Banksy first started his graffiti career as a free hand graffiti artist fro a crew named "drybreadz crew" (DBZ) and was inspired by larger Bristol underground scene with nick walker, inkie, and 3D, by 2000 he started to use stencilling after realising that it took alot quicker. Banskys first well known wall mural was "the mild mild west" painted in 1997 to cover advertising of a former solicitors office on stokes croft avenue, Bristol in which show a teddy bear throwing a Molotov cocktail at three riot
police officers. he often uses images combined with slogans with an anti war, capitalist or anti establishment in mind Bansky is also famously known for the uses of rats, apes, policemen, soldiers, children and the elderly                  

Thursday 23 April 2015


wassily Kandinsky was a Russian painter and and art theorist born on 16th December 1866 and was credited for one of the first purely abstract works, as a citizen of Moscow Kandinsky, spent his child hood in Odessa.

unlike others kandinsky decided to stay local and attended the university of Moscow and studied law and economics. he then became successful in his profession and was offered a professorship of (chair of Roman law) at the university of Dorpat. Kandinsky began painting studies (life-drawing, sketching and anatomy) at the age of 30.

In 1896 Kandinsky settled in Munich, studying first at Anton Ažbe's private school and then at the Academy of Fine Arts. He returned to Moscow in 1914, after the outbreak of World War I. Kandinsky was unsympathetic to the official theories on art in Communist Moscow, and returned to Germany in 1921. There, he taught at the Bauhaus school of art and architecture from 1922 until the Nazis closed it in 1933. he then live the rest of his life in France and a French citizen, producing some of his most prominent and famous art pieces.  

Monday 13 April 2015

history of printing

the definition of print making is "the art technique of making, prints, especially as practiced in engraving, etching, drypoint, woodcut or serigraph 

the history of printmaking goes right back to the duplication of images by means of stamps in very early times The use of round seals for rolling an impression into clay tablets goes back to early Mesopotamian civilization before 3000 BCE

168 to 906 
one of the early types of printing wood block printing invented in china which was created around 618 to 906, this technique was created during the T'ang dynasty and was one of there most notable inventions. wood block print making is the process of putting ink onto the wood block with a patten of image carved into it the pressed onto paper leaving a print, by doing this they were able to create the first full length book 

in 1241 korea have developed movable cast metal which they also used to print books 

wooden movable type printing first developed in china, abandoned in favour of clay movable type 

Korea opens it foundries that can produce bronze casting 

block printing reaches Europe from china, we then use this technique to produce books 

Europe begins using metal plates for printing, using movable metal type then Gutenberg prints the bible which he finishes in 1456 

the first book printed in more than one color

Germans invent the mezzotint technique 

stereotyping invented in Scotland by William Ged wherein a whole page of type is cast in a single mold to create a printing plate 

the first iron printing press built in Britain made entirely of cast iron 

the first rotary printing press invented by Napier which is the first rotary printing press 

Louis braille invents embossed printing

type machine has been invented for fast printing onto paper 

electro typing has been invented 

an american inventor named Richard hoe designed an improved printing press that can print 8,000 sheets an hour 

rotary fed letter press invented by William bullock 

German inventor ottomar mergenthaler invented the first device that could easily and quickly set set complete lines of type for use in printing presses 

mimeograph was introduced 

4-color tray press invented 

off set lithography is being commonly used to produce posters, maps, books, newspapers, and packaging

commercial silk screen printing has been developed 

american inventor named Chester Carlson invented a dry printing process called electrophotography, commonly called xerox 

Remington-rand developed the first high speed printer for the use of a Univac computer

xerox produces the first automatic xerographic printer 

SATO introduced the first thermal transfer bar code printer 

american engineer and inventor Gary Keith Starkweather invented a laser printer based on a modified xerographic copier 

printers that could reproduce digital images generated by computers were developed

the first major release of 3D printers takes place 

first iPhone released giving less reason for printing to exist 

first under $1000 3D printer released by rolan 

imaging supply sales decline as there is less use for printing as people have increased using tablets and smart phones