Thursday 25 June 2015

chair project evaluation

Chair project evaluation
when I first received the brief I was slightly confused about what I had to do as I wasn’t sure why we were doing it or who for (as that is what we usually do) however I then realised that it was in general deciding whether it would be made in a series or just one on its own. My first thoughts when receiving the assignment brief was that I felt like I wasn’t going to enjoy the project however it turns out that I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, as I enjoyed the orthographic drawing and the thought of making my chairs as ergonomic as possible however I didn’t enjoy the building of the chair as much as sometimes I struggled to find the correct measurements, also I sometimes struggled to make the chair strong and sturdy.
I managed to take research in many different forms, one of the forms that I managed to take research in was through research on the internet where I researched things such as artists like Frank Ghery and Gerrit Rietveld, who created the red and blue chair and the wiggle chair. I also took research in the form of sketching and drawing through the drawings of Frank Ghery and Gerrit Rietveld chairs with measurements with different forms of perspective such as orthographic and isometric techniques. I also used these techniques to record and plan ideas of my own chairs and write about them. Another way I took research was physically as I physically measured my body parts and then compared them to the chairs that I have created. I also used the measurements from me and also other people to create an average of the certain lengths of people’s body parts, by doing this it gives me an idea of how long I want the parts of the chair to be.
My main influences are from the research I took of Art Deco and the trends within the movement such as the influence from the discovery of Tutankhamun, and the images in which they found an untouched burial ground, it was also greatly inspired bout speed and technology and geometric shapes. Another influenced I researched was Art Nouveau which was one of the only movements which wasn’t a reaction from another movement. The Art Nouveau was plainly influenced by nature and the natural flows of nature.
Overall I feel I was satisfied with my designs as I feel that my influences strongly show in my designs I also feel that I have found the correct measurements and have gone through the correct developments the create the outcome, I also feel I have come up with enough designs to create developments in my chairs and I could also take the best parts of my chairs to create the best chair I can make. 
When choosing my final design I chose the one that was most practice (as in real life it would be a lot cheaper to make)  I also chose the one I feel would be most ergonomic and original, however I came across problems like whether the chair would be able to cope with the wait of the person so I had to consider the materials that would be light however strong whether it would be woods or metals. I also needed to add a counter weight to make sure my chair doesn’t topple over when weight is applied.
To create my final macette I used card board layered to create a frame of the chair (like the frank ghery chair,) I then covered the frame of the chair with paper machete to cover up the corrugated card. In real life the char would have a strong wooden frame then the backrest and seat would have a foam cushioning the whole way round with a cotton case, by upholstering it like this it makes the chair a lot more ergonomic the chair would also have melted plastic strings spread through the oval shape whole in the middle of the back rest and seat, this would just be for design as it would represent the veins in which run through the leaves which my chair was inspired on, this chair could either be made one after another however I would have to take away the strings as it would take too long in the manufacturing process, however overall the chair would be cheap to make but also is very simple but I prefer the simple look, this also give the chair a bit of an art deco feel, just with an Art nouveau influence. All the techniques I had already used already from the sculpture project so I felt comfortable when creating the chair.
When creating my final macette I made the mistake of accidently changing the size of my cut out of the layers so it slowly go smaller, to fix this I had to layer up card on the side which got smaller to level it out and then when adding the paper machete it covered up the layered card.
If I had more time I would create a series of developments of the chair and crate macettes with different jobs such as work chairs, sofas and general relaxation chairs.

I think the one of the most sucsessful aspects of my assignment was the design ideas and how I planned it out and layed out the designs with the materials. For my final chair design I was also highly influenced by plants themselves I got the idea for the shape from a sprouting plant giving the chair leaf like quality’s and the curvature of the one leg that supports the seat and back rest.  

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