Thursday 25 June 2015

print making evaluation

Print making evaluation
At the start of the evaluation I completely understood what we were meant to do as we were given a brief and commissioned to create a series of designs created through different techniques that I have acquired through the project, for the bank of china as they are moving to London for them to display. When I first received the assignment brief I was excited because I had worked in print making before as I was commissioned to create a series of stencils to display all across Deptford therefore I was used to a lot of the printmaking processes. I also knew I would also have an understanding of the materials that I would be using and ways in which I would be able to get the best prints possible.
Like all projects I collected a reasonable amount of information and research from the internet researching artists like Banksy but also gaining images and ideas and researching things such as Chinese culture and the bank of china its self. We also had to research things like the history of print making and how it had evolved as the reason we are doing print making is because it originated in china, where they stared off with block prints. Another way I also collected information was by actually testing and playing with the prints for example with the stencils you can stop the stencil from bleeding over it u try to keep the sponge as dry as possible and always dab the sponge to get rid of the access paint when actually printing it, however if using a spray can u are able to reduce the bleeding by holding the can further away from the stencil but also u have to tape up o just cover up the sides of the stencil just in case u get over spray. I also had to experiment with colour as a lot of colours are dominant so had to put them over the top as if u put them under the colour on top would not be able to cover the colour as it would show leaving a nasty tint. By learning from the process of learning from my mistakes to create a final print in which I would add to my portfolio. A lot of my notes took the form of writing as a lot of it was just research on my blog.
A lot of the research I took on china and there culture inspired my final piece as I made a lino print of a girl who was a model as in china beauty used to be a big aspect of a women’s life with a famous Chinese saying “There are no ugly women in the world, only lazy women in the world.” Showing that beauty in china is ideal for success in life as it shows that u care. I used this as one of my main influences as it is such a big thing in china and I also just liked the effect the print had as the women is staring directly at whoever is looking at the work evolving who ever looks at it, just like how the bank involves everyone. Also my researched from unit 77 also inspired my design as my research inspired my designs back ground as I had researched Bauhaus in both projects, therefore I had based the background on the Bauhaus influence, I had created the back ground by creating a series of lines by cutting out rectangles of different sizes, by over lapping certain rectangles and then placing them on a screen-print and then printing them  I was able to create a series of squares which gave it a de stijl type feeling, I then over lapped it with another one when I did the same thing in a different pattern covering up some of the white but leaving some free. By doing this it leaves a cool effect which slightly confuses the eyes.
Overall I was satisfied with my designs as I feel I used a good amounts of print making techniques to make my print effective in my final piece I also decided to work into the facial features of the girl piece with a fountain pen in which I dipped into an ink pot by doing this it gave the girl a lot more detail especially in the eyes and the shade under the neck giving the girls I slight 3d effect. This also gives a different variation. I also managed to include the bank of china logo giving the print an obvious reference to the bank. I did this by finally adding a stencil of the logo at the end, by doing this it overlaps the other things on the print showing that the bank of china is the main priority of the print.

If I had more time on the designs I would have created more of the designs but with different variations, I would also work a lot harder on getting a better print with no smudges or marks where I have used to much paint when screen printing. One of the great things about this projects was learning all the new techniques of print making which included lino prints, collographes and screen-printing. At first all my designs where everywhere however after a few hours I managed to mount all my outcomes onto A1 sheets turning it into a portfolio, this came in useful as it was a lot easy to find certain work that I wanted to either develop or work into. Over all I really enjoyed this project and my consider taking it into next year. What I enjoyed about this project was that there was a lot of freedom as we could use anything and there was so many aspects that related to china, the bank of china or Bauhaus or even linking them together and there was also a lot less writing as I am not as strong in that side of art, 

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